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How might a social robot support the learning of new skills by employees and the need for lifelong learning?

Autumn 2018

Team: Jouko Makkonen & Tamilselvi Jayaveilu

My role was to make visualisations and manage the design process.

Harry the Learning Assistant


The focus of this project was on psychology and how to consider psychological aspects when designing new technologies. Our work was based on scientific papers and interviews.

During the process, we focused mainly on the appearance of the robot assistant and secondly what kind of interactions are required from it.

What should a social learning assistant look like?

Initial design ideas and the final design after the interviews. Emmi Putkonen

Based on the scientific papers we came up with three different kinds of design ideas for the social learning assistant. To find out which design is the most motivating and easy to approach we tested it by interviewing our target group (one interview/team member).

We wanted to find out what are the main elements for supporting the learning motivation and maintaining attention but also finding deeper insight into the use cases and what it requires from the product.

Interview results showed that the final concept should combine the following element from the two design ideas: soft material + glasses + a stick. We also added a screen and a changeable base to fit in different learning situations.

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